History Links


Tactical Sling


This page has links to articles relating to history of non-lethal chemical agents. It includes articles on the development of all types of methods of delivery and delivery devices.

100 Years of History

The U.S. Army Chemical Corps: Past, Present, and Future

Why The World Banned Poison Gas From Warfare (And Then Used It Anyway)

1921 A Tear Gas Tale How did Tear Gas get into law enforcdement

September 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain. US Army Air Corps drops Tear Gas Greandes on union organizers.

July 1932 Attack on the "Bonus Army" Washington, D.C. by U.S. Troops lede by Major George S.Patton, Genral Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eishenhower.

San Diego Sheriff's Development of Tear Gas (coming)

April 1973 the development of the sabot round for shotguns. This was the forerunner of the Ferret Round.

1912 Scoville Unites invented to measure heat of peppers.



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